Originally Posted by Jakanadin View Post
If you vote for Mitt Romney, you're voting for a guy that's lying out of his ass to you, telling you all these sweet things, calling one of America's BIGGEST asset's a dishonorable name(China - Cheaters), and will raise taxes on the middle class and cut for the upper class.. So obviously voting for him is smart if you own a sizable business and bring in close to 250k+ a year. So enjoy having a shit white president that'll do nothing but **** you over with just as big of false promises as Obama's.

When did he say he'd raise taxes on middle class O.O
cutting taxes on higher paid business owners creates more jobs? Oh how you may ask?
More money for business makes it more capable to open up new stores which equals more employees and the products would need to have more amounts so their for more employees at the business where they make the products would need more employees. However we have lazy ****s who enjoy there free shit from the government.